Friday, June 12, 2009

Its been forever

I know its been forever since I have posted anything I need to get on the ball. Well for a little up date I went to see a new neuroligist on may 21st and had 4 different MRI's done on the 26th and a spinal tap on the 27th. The DR. called me on June 3rd and told me I have relapse and remitting MS. I was upset, but at the same time I was glad to finally know what was wrong with me. I have been dealing with this for 3 years now. I went back to see the Dr. on the 8th and figured out a treatment plan. I have to give myself injections 3 days a week for the rest of my life. The shots are very expensive its going to cost me 15 thousand a year. Hopefully my insurance will cover some of it. I haven't started the shots yet I have to wait for a nurse to come to my house and train me. The Dr. says I will have to repeat the MRI's and the spinal tap every 6 months for the next 2 years. I'm trying to have a positive attitude about the whole thing but sometimes its hard.

Well the only kid I have home right now is Kaysha. Toby, Boady and Riley are visiting Bob and Leann in Virginia and Dillan and Stevie are visiting their dad in Utah. They all come home July 2nd. The break from kids is nice but at the same time we sure do miss them. They all seem to be having a good time though.


Linge Crew said...

I hope your ok Danyel....let me know if you need anything.

Unknown said... has been forever! =) I know...I'm so glad you finally have an answer, and if you continue to have a good attitude you can make it through this....and you know where to reach me anytime! =)

Jackie said...

You're a strong person and damn fiesty when you need to be so I believe those traits will serve you well no matter what you're going through good or bad. Hope the shots ease up some of the symptoms. We love you!