Our dog Meg got attacked by another dog the other night and it really did a number on her. We had to take her to St. George to the emergency animal hospital and she had to have surgery it took 2 hours. Sorry some of these pictures are graphic but these are her injuries.

Meg in her cone so she won't mess with her stitches or her tube thats in her stomach.

The hole in her back

Her hole in her stomach, this was really gross the hole was so big you could see her insides

that white thing is the tube to drain all the crap out of her stomach.

hey girl,
I'm new at this blog thing and have no idea how to add friends lol CJ is the one that got me started on this blog stuff anyway sorry your dog got hurt Add me LOL!
Love Sonia,
ooh my blog is
you didnt even tell me that this happened. did you hear it happen or what? did she just come home like this?
My girls were really sad for your dog when they saw the pics. They kept asking me if she was going to be okay! Hope she's doing better!
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