Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Dillans Football Game
Dillan did great in his game and i forgot my camera so I was so glad that Kim Linge was there with her camera and she took these awesome pictures, Thanks again Kim.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Grandma Leavitt's 92nd birthday
We had a birthday party for grandma at Thurstons on Monday.
Grandma and uncle Cecil
Artie, Angela and Ammon
Uncle Dannie, Aunt Sharon, and Heather
Duane, Aunt Nancy, Aunt Carol, and Brent
Lynette, Kaydee Bingham, Shaye Laub, Bailey Laub, and Dianne Laub

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Our College Student

Tony registered for college today. He starts on monday he is going to NOVA which is Northern Virginia Jr. college. We are SOOOOOOO Proud of him.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
*We've been Tagged!*
About Us.....*What is his name? Travis Lynn Heath better known as Bo*How long have we been married?3 years and 9 months*How long did we date? almost 4 months*How old is he? 38*Who eats more? umm he does sometimes I can out eat him though *Who said I love you first? He did *Who is taller? Bo is *Who sings better? Well neither one of us can carry a tune very well but I think i sing a little better.*Who is smarter? He is smarter than me at some things and I'm smarter than him on other things.*Whose temper is worse? Definetly mine I have my dad's temper I get mad at Bo cause i think he's a little to laid back, he does have his moments though and when he does whatch out :)*Who pays the bills? I do (with his money =)*Who does the laundry? I do, He helps sometimes, but I'm kindof anal when it comes to my laundry and it bugs me if he doesn't sort them right, probably because he doesn't sort them :)*Who cooks dinner? I do he never cooks not even when we go camping!*Who drives when together? I do he hates to drive because he drives back and forth to Vegas everyday for work*Who is more stubborn? He definitely is although I have my moments.*Who is the first to admit when wrong? Me *Who wears the pants in the family? he thinks he does, but I think i do. *Who mows the lawn? he does. Who kissed who first?He kissed me first while we were watching the water sho at the Bellagio. *Who asked who out first? Umm well I guess he did since he asked my cousin Marie and her husband to set us up. So they set us up on a blind date. *Who proposed? Well neither of us we just talked about it and he told me to go pick out a ring, isn't he romantic :) * What is my favorite thing about him? He is an awesome husband and father. he works so hard for his family and it allows me to be able to stay home with our kids. He loves his kids and he loves mine like they were his own which means so much to me. He has a BIG heart and we Love him very much.
I tag Celeste,Mom, Becca, Sonia, and Tiffany
About Us.....*What is his name? Travis Lynn Heath better known as Bo*How long have we been married?3 years and 9 months*How long did we date? almost 4 months*How old is he? 38*Who eats more? umm he does sometimes I can out eat him though *Who said I love you first? He did *Who is taller? Bo is *Who sings better? Well neither one of us can carry a tune very well but I think i sing a little better.*Who is smarter? He is smarter than me at some things and I'm smarter than him on other things.*Whose temper is worse? Definetly mine I have my dad's temper I get mad at Bo cause i think he's a little to laid back, he does have his moments though and when he does whatch out :)*Who pays the bills? I do (with his money =)*Who does the laundry? I do, He helps sometimes, but I'm kindof anal when it comes to my laundry and it bugs me if he doesn't sort them right, probably because he doesn't sort them :)*Who cooks dinner? I do he never cooks not even when we go camping!*Who drives when together? I do he hates to drive because he drives back and forth to Vegas everyday for work*Who is more stubborn? He definitely is although I have my moments.*Who is the first to admit when wrong? Me *Who wears the pants in the family? he thinks he does, but I think i do. *Who mows the lawn? he does. Who kissed who first?He kissed me first while we were watching the water sho at the Bellagio. *Who asked who out first? Umm well I guess he did since he asked my cousin Marie and her husband to set us up. So they set us up on a blind date. *Who proposed? Well neither of us we just talked about it and he told me to go pick out a ring, isn't he romantic :) * What is my favorite thing about him? He is an awesome husband and father. he works so hard for his family and it allows me to be able to stay home with our kids. He loves his kids and he loves mine like they were his own which means so much to me. He has a BIG heart and we Love him very much.
I tag Celeste,Mom, Becca, Sonia, and Tiffany
Friday, August 8, 2008
Meg's injury
Our dog Meg got attacked by another dog the other night and it really did a number on her. We had to take her to St. George to the emergency animal hospital and she had to have surgery it took 2 hours. Sorry some of these pictures are graphic but these are her injuries.
Meg in her cone so she won't mess with her stitches or her tube thats in her stomach.
The hole in her back
Her hole in her stomach, this was really gross the hole was so big you could see her insides
that white thing is the tube to drain all the crap out of her stomach.

Thursday, July 31, 2008
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